
Although a portion of our funding comes from a county service contract, we rely on fundraising events, adoption fees and the generosity of individuals and business donors to cover the costs of housing, food, medicine, veterinary care, supplies and other services not covered in our county contract.

Monetary Donations

All monetary donations are put directly toward the care of animals in need in Taylor County.

Monthly Giving

If you would like to go above and beyond in helping the pets at TCHS you can sign up for monthly donations. You can easily sign up for any amount to be automatically donated to the shelter every month. Just select "monthly" or even "yearly" next to the "one-time" donation option.


The easiest way to donate is through our Amazon Wishlist here: Amazon Wishlist 

We can also use:

Endowment Fund

By naming Taylor County WI Humane Society Inc. Tax ID# 20-8461028 in your will, you will be making a gift that will help for years to come. Should you need further information or have questions, call the shelter at 715-748-6750 and ask to have one of our funding committee members contact you.

The Benefits of Planned Giving

By simply listing Taylor County WI Humane Society, Inc. (TCHS) a qualified 501.C.3 charity, as a benficiary of your estate, you provide us with an income and become a true partner in the future of TCHS. Additional benefits include: