Surrender Policy
Taylor County Humane Society
Surrender Policy
We understand that making the decision to surrender a pet is very difficult and we are committed to working with you to find the best possible solution for you and your pet.
Admissions Process
If you decide that surrendering your pet to TCHS is the right option, please be aware that we follow a managed admission philosophy for all incoming animals. This means that we request all customers schedule an appointment before bringing an animal, including strays, to our facility. Utilizing a managed admission process ensures we have the resources to give each animal the best care and accommodations we can provide and allows us to properly isolate, treat and prevent illness from spreading to at-risk populations. Managing the admission of animals helps us plan and prepare, instead of react, and allows us to save more lives.
Appointment Process
Call (715) 965-6711 to schedule an appointment. TCHS takes in all surrendered animals by appointment to ensure that we have the space and resources to best provide for every animal entering the shelter. It is also our goal to schedule appointments for all incoming stray animals. Please note that we are generally scheduling one to two weeks out for surrender appointments, depending on the space available.
Bring all veterinary records to your appointment. This will ensure that your animal will not receive unnecessary vaccinations or procedures and will expedite their medical assessment.
Allocate 30 minutes at TCHS for your appointment. This will provide time to complete a personality profile so we can learn more about your pet’s temperament in the home. If you would like to save time at your appointment, please print and fill out a Personality Profile for your pet and bring it along to your appointment.
Dog Profile
Cat Profile
Bring the animal yourself. We will receive the most accurate information if you bring your pet in yourself.
If you are unable to, we need written and signed consent from you naming another person to act as your agent and that you authorize this agent to bring the animal in on your behalf. All cats should be in a carrier and all dogs should be wearing a collar and leash.
Bring payment. There is a considerable cost to care for and rehome pets that are in our care. TCHS asks for a surrender fee to off-set those costs and to provide the best care possible for your pet. Any donations beyond that cost are greatly appreciated. TCHS accepts cash or credit card (no checks, except for donation purposes).
Surrender Fees
The following fees apply to surrenders with a scheduled appointment. Surrenders without an appointment are strongly discouraged and are subject to a fee of double the scheduled surrender fee amount listed below.
Dogs/Puppies $45
Cats/Kittens $20